Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Home Sweet House Warming

W wanted to say a big thank you, after our big move this past year...

(beyond cute invite created by Heidi Jantz)

My theory...

What a year it has housewarming party was postponed from December until now...

And it was finally time; our house we had purchased in October; moved into in November; and had had a huge tree fall on in the same week we moved in (as a welcome to our neighborhood?) was finally starting to feel like a home.

Our old house sold in April, on Good Friday, the repairs on our current house were finally. all. done. Well, except for that pesky tub faucet pouring out brown water when we turn it on. But whatever. We were just ready to celebrate and thank our friends and family.

(Cute cake bunting crafted by Nia of Summerland Style. )

It started with an invitation...

A toast of sorts to all those whose love, support and prayers helped us through a long and surprising season of change.

And then, a party!

My tall apothecary jar (a housewarming gift from my mom) filled with all of my vintage picnic cutlery collection. The great Rainbo set on top of my Thermos is from Funky Junk Jennifer. They both know me well.

The spread: the idea was simple to make and easy to eat foods; and they all had to be allergen friendly for Haden, my oldest little guy. So we kept it wheat, dairy (except for one dip option), egg, and nut free. And everyone was happy.
Note: Mark cut the awesome rulers around our retro intercom system to display cities we knew (including Yakima where Mark grew up) and a radio advertising ruler. I know, cool.

The crowning project for our party was my chalkboard wall; right behind where the boys eat morning, noon and night. I dreamed it; Funky Junk Jennifer threw in the yardstick idea and Mark, my beloved, put in the labor to make it a reality. I love it, morning, noon and night!!

Just before the party I finally found a spot to display one of my all time favorite vintage finds. I bought it for an unbelievable price ($5!?!) at a Hurd Mercantile garage sale I happened upon once upon a time. Love those crazy girls!

My happy display of finds from Farm Chicks this year! The Colored Chalk from The Vintage Rabbit, the crazy cool 3 from Nia of Summerland Style; and the cute giveaway telephone from Fun Junk on the west side of the state. The great vintage soda pop bottle said; "Why have you been trying to sell me for so long when I clearly belong with you?".

I really love my pink and green scale. Mom had purchased it for me at Today's Country Store in Sumner, WA way back when, and it has followed me around ever since. And I do love birthdays.

Effervescent display near the drink the pink scoop set from my mom at my birthday and the pink straws are recycled from my sister's birthday party.

The vintage glass, a long time companion in my collection; the vintage ice cream tub picked up from The Farm Chicks Store; and the cute ice cream box from Carol of Marketplace Gifts at the Funky Junk show in Sandpoint, ID last fall!

Amazing box now on display in my kitchen; gifted to me from the dear Funky Junk Jennifer!

(My mom and I have determined that it was lard that made my Grandma Kuchenbuch's sugar cookies uncopiable...that and love and years of experience.

Vintage seed packets on display, perhaps to make up for my unplanted garden and flowers this year, thus far. The wet weather did save us from some yard work for the party and showed us what a great party house we have!

A few of my flower jar gifts with the few flowers that survived the downpour of that day.

I had alot of fun stamping the night before. The lower right of the paper has the date 61811 stamped with my vintage stamp.

I'll tour you through my bathrooms, all in various states of before and after another day.
Exciting stuff!

This awesome framed E on vintage linoleum was lovingly carried back on carry-on luggage by my mom from Junk Bonanza in Minnesota last September. Now it resides on our huge lava rock fireplace. People either love it or don't. The fireplace that is. We love it.

Let me tell you how much I love those three cuties in the frame...and I loved getting to decorate the Ikea computer desk fresh with some of my prized vintage finds!

Some of my very favorite vintage games on display in our entertainment/TV room...

My happy E wall in our TV room. The oh so retro paneling will be painted some year. That room actually needs HGTV'd.

Take home bags for the kiddos; sidewalk chalk and bubbles, which we were supposed to be doing during the party, however it poured rain the whole time and the kids were left to fend for themselves in the crazy land called "The Playroom". (One child came up and told me, "It's madness down there!")
It was such a treat to greet and talk with and celebrate with so many...we only wish we could have managed to schedule on a magical day when everyone from near and far could have come!

Who doesn't love old mason jars filled with candy?

And finally, parting candy treat bags for our guests of all ages.

Our party was loaded with sweet moments...

sweet family and neighbors and friends with sweet blessings...

And of course, dessert, sweet dessert...our wheat/dairy/egg free cupcakes!!

So, our "warming" party sealed the deal, we are officially in the home of our dreams...

And tho far away at times I may roam...

"Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home..."

Our amazing friends and neighbors two doors down (who originally pointed out that this house was for sale to a group of us) have four kids between 8 and 1. The four year old was purportedly very excited about attending our party and coined it "The Warming" in we are going to "The Warming at the Eastman's house!!" It was definetly that, Corrie.

(find Jennifer's blog at )

(find Nia's funky cool style at )

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Farm Chicks Sweetness

What a sweet weekend it was!

Miles of wonderful places to rest your gaze; booth after booth full of inspiration and smiling faces...ahh, Farm Chicks!

Jennifer & Hollie taking a rare break in Jennifer's comfy car love seat. How many people are wishing they had that in their yard now!? That's vintage Funky Junk style.

There were sweet finds everywhere, and treats to boot! Mom, my friend Christy/Ballyhoo Girl and I had such a great time meeting and greeting and visiting with everyone. I love the people that Farm Chicks brings together. I told my mom there was nowhere I'd rather be than right there at the Fairgrounds; I appreciated each conversation and every friend.

Our Funky Junk Save the Date tags in Jennifer's funky vintage toy camper.

Funky Junk Hollie and Jennifer at the Farm Chicks after party; and my cute little vintage purse sparkling away on the table.

So, the things you saw at Farm Chicks in both Funky Junk Jennifer and Funky Junk Hollie's booths, those were just a preview of our Labor Day show to come...okay, so Jennifer's booth was so incredible and mine had some of the best junk ever, but really, we and our vendors have all summer long to get ready for Labor Day...just imagine!

The "e" I scavenged from my mom's stash of's perfect for the boys playroom, which eventually will have white walls and red thrown in for good measure. The old small kitchen island holding the e is also from mom and going in my office (tip: pack up time is a reallly good time to ask for things/go make bargains with very tired vendors, wink, wink).

The AMAZING set of lockers I picked up at one of my new favorite booths-The Old School House. I loved every bit of that booth in Bay 4...talented lady that Stacy! I want to put the lockers in my oldest boys room; the reason I loved this set is because my boys cannot lock each other inside. And because they are white!! and not too tall and well, I'm in love.

Saying goodbye to a dear, amazingly talented, sweet and all around wonderful person, Kristin Dobson (Sophia's). I went to her moving sale last weekend to ease some of my Farm Chicks homesickness, and to make sure I got a hug. I walked away with a snowblower-Mark was pretty happy. The Funky Junk family will miss Kristin and her incredible spirit, her family, and her booth very, very much! Now I have an excuse to find a way to visit down South! Blessings to her and her family!!

When the lovely Hurd Mercantile girls offered this week to hand out some of our Funky Junk Save the Date tags for our Labor Day show in Sandpoint, ID, I decided it was finally time to take a day trip with my mom to Rockford, just outside of the Spokane Valley.

Mom and I loved shopping around, and the boys loved running up and down the stairs; yes, two floors of shopping fun!!

The Doris Day coloring book purchased from my booth, perfectly displayed=)!

Right next door in the grand wine room is a treat; it's full of a really fun assortment of wines, including this Backroads Palouse bottle, side by side with vintage toy trucks; all of which my boys thought were "awesome" and wanted to take home.

Want. Pink. Rotary. Phone. There was also a blue, a mixed teal and black, and I think another one I'm missing. There are awesome vintage finds at Hurd!

My sweet & strong little Liam holding my winning Facebook gift from the Hurd Merc. girls! Two, count them two, huge Martha Stewart books-The New Classics Cookbook and The Encyclopedia of Crafts...and a cute red bow!

The over the top adorable perfect gift my mom bought for me at Hurd Merc. She showed it to me, said: you need this in your office, don't you, I said breathlessly: oh my goodness yes, it's the exact color scheme,and perfect everything!!

So, while parting Farm Chicks is such sweet sorrow (paraphrased), I'm grateful for the creative people I get to continue to share with; through blogs, Facebook, face time, and memories.



Friday, June 3, 2011

Funkiest junkiest Booth Ever @ Farm Chicks...

It's here!!

Let me spell it out...

So much inspiration...

Some crazy good finds....


and small...

Reclaimed & Rescued...

Farm, Industrial, Retro...

Art & Architecture...

Practical & Pretty...

Vintage salvage for the modern home...
(and a fun upside down photo)

Stay tuned for more adventures from Funky Junk Hollie...

@The Farm Chicks Antique Show

Spokane Fairgrounds

Saturday 10-6;

Sunday 10-4 (fresh junk!!)

And make sure to say Hi to Jennifer in her cool Funky Junk Jennifer booth!!