Tuesday, February 14, 2012


 I love Valentine's Day, it's true, I'm a romantic at heart.
I also LOVE this amazing huge vintage honeycomb heart at Pink that a certain Miss Celeste Shaw got to before me=)
 I love vintage valentines. 
Especially this one nestled in old pattern paper, under glass at Pink.
 Love this wrought iron piece and the paper heart garland hung with twine at Pink.
I finally felt Valentine-ish after I visited Pink with friends this weekend!!
 I love I Do.
(Again at Pink)
 I love this bed and the vintage love letters.
And yes, pink and Pink.
 I love weathered painted chairs and old sheet music hearts.
Crazy talented ladies at Pink!
 Love the tulips Heidi wrapped in sheet music and tied with a pretty ribbon for Mom.
 I still love vintage Valentines.  Especially when they are written on and dated on the back~
This one just had a name, Dennis Mc., written in a childs printing.
 Love my boys home made Valentines
This one was from Haden to Oma: "I'm nuts about you, but these are not peanut M&M's because I'm allergic."
 I love the repurposed sewn Valentine's Heidi created, especially the chapter of this book,
"A Story Remodled".
 Love cupcakes from Sweet Frostings Blissful Bakery in Spokane, WA.  Especially the salted carmel.  But I need to try the French Toast one that my brother in law said tasted like "breakfast". Yum!!
 I love this man.
 I love red glitter.
I love this old ruler and the handmade Valentine with old jewlery from Heidi last year. 
I love all the embellishments on this handmade Valentine from Mom.  Especially because she made it.
 Love this honeycomb vintage Valentine decoration in my kitchen.
 Love chalkboard and "Be Mine".
 Love this frothy creation by All That Glitter girls Becky and Holly, at Pink.
 Love the painted ads that still survive on brick buildings in downtown Spokane.
 Love my mom. And my dad. And my sisters and brother in law. I love my family.
 I love candy heart messages.
 I love these three guys. 

Happy Valentine's Day.
Love One Another