Monday, October 24, 2011

Halloween Treats

 Vintage black cats of paper and wax....
 ...old Halloween party favors ready to fill...
 Orange vintage crepe paper ready to stream...
 And smiling lights casting a glow...
  A sparkle of glitter...
 ...a costume, an invitation, and it's time to fly...
...pick up your jack o' lantern and fill it full of sweet treats on All Hallow's Eve!
Happy Halloween~
from my three little monsters and me=)


  1. I love all your great vintage goodies! Halloween stuff is hard to find!

  2. Your Halloween decorations are fun, Hollie. Wish we celebrated Halloween that much in my country too.
    Happy Tuesday xxx

  3. Happy Halloween to you and your family! Love the Halloween decorations...can't wait to see what the boys will be???

    xox Glad & Cel

  4. Do you know Hollie,it's my Favorite Holiday.
    Thanks for sharing!
    xxx Liz

  5. Thanks's been so fun to decorate this year! Last year we were in the middle moving/selling our home, so we are living it up a little extra this year!! I'll do another blog later with more=)~love Vintage Halloween=)!

  6. I love your halloween decorations! I can't wait to see the rest of them! You have found some awesome stuff, I agree with Linda, vintage halloween stuff is hard to find. I'm hoping to find more myself, some of mine got ruined by mold in a basement, sad :(

  7. Such cute vintage Halloween goodies! I've been missing you and all my favorite "junkers"! Hope you and the family are doing well!


  8. Okay, so I haven't got the rest up yet..a big to do!!=) So many blogs in my head...


Hey, aren't you sweet!