Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A friend closer than a junker

I thought I'd introduce you to my friend and converted junker Christy today. She's going to be participating in not only Funky Junk in 10 days!!! but, also joining my annual family garage sale this Thurs & Fri. So, double the fun=). Christy has a fun eye for everything retro/vintage and is a creative soul, a scrapbook artist even! Her (seeminly endless) energy and enthusism for junking and creating is contagious, and she has some cool candy too!
I'm still enjoying my buys from her booth the past several shows and can't wait to see what she has found to unviel this spring! You fly Vintage Green Bird Christy!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Toys & Boys

I love listening to my three little guys play, it's like listening to a different language being spoken, one that I am still learning. I grew up with two sisters and so have been actually delighted to enter the world of boys. But most of the time I need a translator, a position which Daddy fills nicely, except when I don't understand what he's saying.
Today I had the boys clean out their cars for our garage sale this week. (Am I crazy? Having a garage sale and Funky Junk within two weeks? The answer is yes.) But it was fun to see them work out which ones would stay, which ones they would sell, and how they negotiated the in betweens. I'll let you know that I don't ask them to something I don't do myself. Every time I've had a booth filled with my vintage finds, I find myself deciding which will stay in my own collection (for a while, I say), which pieces can go, and negotiating with myself on the in betweens.
I love that my boys are starting to understand the world of junking, of Funky Junk and antiques, and learning what is valuable to them, and why.
By the way, I saved two of my oldest's choices. One is staying in the bin for now (a vintage metal combine) and one is going in the sale (a vintage metal catepillar). We'll be negotiating on the rest.

Check out tomorrow for another vendor highlight!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Rainy Day Old House

One of my favorite places to visit is my sister's place in Spokane. Heidi has rented a unique old home across from Audubon Park for quite a few years now, and has really infused it with her style. She has an innate eye for design, and is creative in too many ways to count. But I like to try=). Heidi Jantz will be singing at Funky Junk Saturday morning as our featured musician, and will be bringing some of her cool collection of vintage finds to the show as a vendor, as well. She is also the genius behind our posters/postcards. Drink in her decorating sense and get ready to love her as much as Funky Junk does...you rock sister!!!! Ps..Heidi shared that she got most of these finds at Funky Junk shows!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Visions of Funky Junk Dance In My Head

I can tell it's that time, the time when I start having show dreams. Very much like teacher's back to school dreams, I start having them in the month before the show. The other night when I was up at 4:44, unable to go back to sleep (thanks to my adorable, sweetie pie 18 months old) all I could think about was how awesome the grange is going to look, how I'm going to set up my booth, what finds our super vendors are bringing in this spring in Spokane...ahh, funky junk, my love=)!
So, I thought as an apetizer I'd post some of our vendors the next week or so, try to get them all on here to tempt your junking taste buds and satisfy my cravings=)...
Get ready to be inpsired, they are going to bring it on!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Yellow Branches

Sometimes when I can't get out to junk, or read a cool mag, or checkout someone's vintageness online, I just like to think about inspiring pieces...yes, I do vicarious junking. For a couple of years I have been out of the junking loop, literally: between pregnancies, babies, bedrest, three boys, all that good stuff. So, when I haven't been able to get out, I have developed a happy medium of mental junking=)
Today my amazing friend and business partner Jennifer was talking about some pretty cool decorating features for her booth, which will be right outside the super cool grange we like to call the Irish Dance Hall Grange. (check out funkyjunkantiqueshow.com for directions and specifics for the April show in Spokane!)
So, Jennifer, thank you for telling me about the mustard yellow branches that go with our spring 2010 poster...ah, decorating happiness while folding laundry. This is the good life.
So share a little love, fun & junk today.

Friends of Junking

I was talking to one of our Funky Junk Antique Show vendors today for a minute, who happens to also be a dear friend, and she was telling me all about all of the creating, sewing, junking she's been doing for the show. I listened in awe and cannot wait to see what she's pulled together!
I also know of some of her finds since we got to junk briefly in Coeur d' Alene together a couple of weekends ago. I also know of a little something that I am fully prepared to purchase from her, because I was with her when she scored it=). And we all know that there is a code among junkers that it is finders keepers, unless the person with you cries....ah, how many times have I watched the junk that got away walk right by me!
Well, good thing there are shows to go to and see all of the beautiful finds of others, whether repurposed, recyled, cleaned up and displayed. I really am super excited about this show, new decade, new feel, some really awesome vendors!! It is all about love, fun & junk.
How great is that?

Sunday, March 21, 2010

We've only just begun...

Wow, I'm really doing this blog thing now!
I've got Funky Junk on the brain so I'll be sharing all about the upcoming show, finds, vendors, inspiration!
For now, remember love. fun. junk.
That's what it's all about.
