Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Yellow Branches

Sometimes when I can't get out to junk, or read a cool mag, or checkout someone's vintageness online, I just like to think about inspiring pieces...yes, I do vicarious junking. For a couple of years I have been out of the junking loop, literally: between pregnancies, babies, bedrest, three boys, all that good stuff. So, when I haven't been able to get out, I have developed a happy medium of mental junking=)
Today my amazing friend and business partner Jennifer was talking about some pretty cool decorating features for her booth, which will be right outside the super cool grange we like to call the Irish Dance Hall Grange. (check out funkyjunkantiqueshow.com for directions and specifics for the April show in Spokane!)
So, Jennifer, thank you for telling me about the mustard yellow branches that go with our spring 2010 poster...ah, decorating happiness while folding laundry. This is the good life.
So share a little love, fun & junk today.

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Hey, aren't you sweet!