Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sunny Junky Day

What a beautiful day! We couldn't have asked for a better first junking day of 2010! And ask we did=)...Jennifer & I kept sharing stories of fun new friends, junking finds walking by our booths, and of seeing some of junky friends=)...Thank you all for coming out and spending the day with us, what a pleasure, and truly an honor to have you all join us in what we love to do. So...I've got some things to pick up, and pick out tomorrow...I've been longingly eyeing many an item as I dashed by the booths today! I loved all the conversations and interactions today, but really, my favorite moments were seeing my husband Mark, our directing traffic like a pro, and seeing my oldest boy in his Funky Junk tee and vendor tag=). Love to you all, and the best of junk.
See you tomorrow--


  1. Great time today. I was Erin who commented about your blog. :-) It was great talking to you.

  2. Hi Hollie, so wonderful to meet you! We really had a wonderful time. I hope today is a great success!!!

    Mermaid Debbie

  3. I happened upon the show by pure coincidence. In this case I think I'll call it serendipity :) It was fantastic. I'm a big fan of junking and all things vintage. What a treat. I'll be keeping tabs on future shows for sure!

  4. Hey girls...I had such a great time talking to each of you! I appreciated the time you took to talk with glad you enjoyed the show, the love, the fun, the jun=)
    And Misti, yea!!! So glad you did happen unpon Funky Junk! Today was fun, and I got to buy things...even funner=)

  5. Hollie & Jennifer

    Thanks again for putting on such a fun show. We had a great time this weekend with you and all the great vendors and customers. A big success!

    Fielding & Dianna
    Two Women Art & Antiques

  6. Thank you funkyjunk for such a great weekend! I am so happy with my new vintage finds (from necklaces to glass bottles)! And the vendors and customers were all such genuinely kind people (thank you Shari for all your help and your wonderful presence!). :)Heidi

  7. I had such a great time at the show! I was so glad that I could meet all of you. Can't wait for the Fall show in Sandpoint.

  8. Thank you my sweet sister & junking girl friends! It was pure pleasure spending the weekend with you all! On to the next show, and hopefully for me, on to Two Women's show=)


Hey, aren't you sweet!