Sunday, June 27, 2010

One of A Kind Funky Junk Finds...

I'm watching Design Star on HGTV and it really reminds me how much vintage items inspire me; their form, their function, their worn and rediscovered beauty. Earlier I was enjoying looking through my "junk stash" in the garage and taking pictures of some of my favorite finds of the week. Then it occured to me that it would be fun to share some of my one of a kind funky junk finds every week this summer until Labor Day and our Funky Junk Show in Sandpoint, ID.
So these are just a sampling of some of my favorites this week, some are going to the show, some are staying with me for awhile; but all of them inspired me in some way. Enjoy your week, and I'll keep on funky junking...


  1. I like your funky junk finds! I would have picked all of them out myself had I come across them. I look forward to checking out your other posts:)

  2. Hi Hollie!

    Guess what? You won the pink Mccoy Giveaway at The Katillac Shack!


    Email me.... and cpngrats!

    love, kelee

  3. Love the Seattle mug -- what a find! And I am loving the new Design Star Show - much improved :)

  4. I have to say . . . I love the Seattle Mug as well - very cool and it is in my favorite colors :)

    so glad you stopped by . . . hope you are having a great summer!! Hope to make it over for Labor Day - sounds like so much fun!! . . . liz

  5. Hi all! Thanks and I so love that Seattle mug, what a find, I'll be displaying it!! Elisa, hope you enjoy the posts, and Liz, hope you can come over...looked like you had fun at the petite retreat!
    Kelee...I'm so over the moon!=)

  6. Hollie, great finds!!!! Love the coffee tins and the Seattle mug especially! Congrats on winning Kelee's giveaway!!!

    Mermaid Debbie

  7. Must. have. Seattle. coffee. mug.

  8. Thanks Mermaids...and I love my coffee junk too=)...Megan...I don't know if I can ever part from that amazing coffee mug, just looking at it makes me happy, I cannot believe it was still sitting at the place I found it (a cleaned out sale!)...=)


Hey, aren't you sweet!