Thursday, February 10, 2011

Glitter Girl

Saturday turned out to be one of those wonderful, magical days that you didn't know how much you needed until it was memories. I signed up for Elaine Tolson's Glitter Tea because my friend Christy told me about it; I talked my mom into going with me; then my friend Jill signed up; a spot opened up and my friend and Funky Junk biz partner Jennifer got to come; and right before we left, our junking friends Gladys and Celia Hanning invited us to carpool up to Addy, WA just north of Chewelah.

Everything about the day was perfect, the weather was sunny and just the right amount of snow was on the ground. Elaine greeted us so warmly into her home; little did she know what a rowdy group of crafting junkers we were going to be. I was so inspired by Elaine's decorations and vignettes around her home. Our big project table was filled with so many sweet touches like gift bags, and stamped paper on the work surface, and glitter...lots of glitter. I love, love to scrapbook and craft and Holly & Becky of All That Glitter shop in Spokane did not disappoint; in fact the project they set out for us to create was beyond what I could have imagined!

It took me awhile to get started, as it always does, but I so enjoyed visiting with my immensely creative neighbors...around the table was seated such an amazing, talented group of women, it was inspiration all in it's own right: Jennifer, Nancy, Karen, Erin (who also took the beautiful pics), Christy, Melanie, Tara, Debbie, Kelly, Shelley, Jill, Gail (my mom), Gladys, and Celia, thank you! With coffee in hand, I got started on my days work (play, really) and then it was time for lunch. The food was spectacular; tea sandwiches and cookies, fruit salad and cookies, amazing truffles, baby cinnamon rolls and cookies...perfect fuel for our day.

I figured that I spent my time in equal parts creating, talking/visiting people around the table, and eating. And yet by some magic I still finished my banner, and even better I love it. It's such a credit to Elaine, Holly, Becky and friends for creating a "Boho Retreat" that was approachable, fun, engaging and refreshing in so many ways. I came home happy, relaxed, very full and amazed at what I had created. I want to do it all over again; thank you Elaine, Holly & Becky for sharing of your talent and time and glitter and for creating a space and a day for glitter.


  1. Looks like you all had a blast! Great seeing them and how creative you all are!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Hudson's holidays

  2. oh how fun, I want to go to one of these!

  3. It wasa lovely day, thanks for all the laughs! We must create again after we get you set-up in your new office! Love, Jennifer

  4. It was truly the best Glitter Day! We enjoyed our journey up to Elaine's home and back. And, all the visiting with the amazing women in between, lunch, goodies, yes, it was perfect. I hung my banner over my vanity in my bathroom, and wake up every morning to it... makes me smile, Cel hung banner on her mantle in her bedroom...Josh loved it!
    We are making a banner for baby 'AVA', to hang over her little bed.
    See you soon, Glad & /Cel

  5. SO MUCH FUN!!! You created such BEAUTIFUL art girls!!! Can't wait for next time!!

    Love you girls! - Chrissy

  6. I had so much fun posting the post=)...I'm inspired by the creations all over again..and I couldn't bear to edit any of the pics!=)

  7. Oh, PS...the amazing charm was created by Elaine Tolson and was in our gift bag!! What a huge gift! hollie

  8. Such a fun day! Great pictures! You know, I worked so dilegently and still didn't finish mine! I am so glad you actually got a picture of one of my pieces! I plan to finish mine this week. It was a wonderful time and I loved being with all of those fun, creative girls!


  9. A glitter tea?! Amazing. I want to have/go to one. Amazing photos.

  10. Debbie, I loved your work in progress! Hope you got to get it finished this weekend, would love to see the finished banner!
    AlphaBesty...Thanks! I hope you get to host or go to one, oh what fun!!
    Thanks for visiting girls~

  11. sweet, Hollie. Thank you so much for the kind words...I promise, I loved the day just as much as you. When I think of it, I smile! Can't wait to have you BACK!

  12. Elaine...I just looked at the pics again and sighed with sweet happiness over the memories=)!!


Hey, aren't you sweet!