Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Funky Junk In Coeur d' Alene!!

It's true, it's poster and show time; that bright season that comes two times a year, spring and end of summer. I love unveiling our posters and postcards, they always have been true works of art. Our graphic designer, Heidi Jantz, happens to also be my middle sister. She not only is really, really talented; but she really, really gets Jennifer and I, our sensibilities, our approach to junking and life; it's just win-win all around.

So about a month before our shows we like to do what we call "wallpapering the Northwest" with our invite to our junking weekend. This past weekend I jumped at the chance to take a short road trip over to Coeur d' Alene, ID with my mom for postering. Of course, before we got out of town, Spokane, we made a few quick stops to This Old House on Trent, where mom picked up a side table and to the new "The Mad Cow" next door. Things on my need list from there: AMAZING blue cupboard to hang in my office, lots and lots of reallly cool jewlery, black and white bench for office. In the meantime mom and I grabbed some vintage player piano music rolls for scrapbooking. Doesn't Heidi Billman (the owner) look super cute with the Funky Junk poster and that letter! We would have also visited All That Glitter, but Holly and Becky were at Custer's (where I visited them the next day). What a beautiful booth they always pull together-I loved the white and green and blue and pink-gorgeous, just like those talented girls!

When mom and I finally traipsed to CD'A we hit as many off the antique stores and coffee shops as we could, but saved our favorite for last: Forget Me Not. Nancy and Sally have been longtime junking mentors and truly friends. And their store always, always has a treasure I cannot leave without. I loved the full camping/thermos set, antique chandelier, and rare cream-colored mixer; but what I came home with was the perfect mirrored vanity for my master bath. Mom loved the fabric tied to an old mattress on the porch ceiling, so I posed. We loved getting to sit and chat and laugh with Nancy and Sally for bit before heading home, junking is always made sweeter with friends.

So, today, my sweet husband hung my very own, grown up, perfect sized, meant for me, vintage vanity. Sometimes I can't believe how blessed I am to get to travel and junk and spend time with friends in person and online, and call it "work". How lucky can a girl get?


  1. This is fabulous! I CANNOT wait until the show - you ladies do such a stellar job!

  2. Happy new vanity! I looove your poster and that blue fabulous!

    : )

    Julie M.

  3. LOVE the new poster! I will miss being a vendor this go around, but am excited to attend and be a shopper!!! I can't wait!:)

  4. We are so excited to be a part of Funky Junk this year...we have been gathering and working on some fun gifts for your show. See you soon!

    P.S. Love the poster...Heidi did a great job!


    Glad & Celia

  5. Thank you thank you my bloggy friends!! I love the poster too, as you know=)..cannot wait to see everyone...thanks for visiting and taking time to comment!!!

  6. Excited to see the premiere of the official Funky Junk Antique Show poster! They are always good design. Only a month until the show - we can't wait to be a part of it - busy with new ideas and projects to share! I've been telling everyone at my "day" job to watch for your posters and cards. :)

    See you soon!
    Linda & Jon

  7. Thanks Linda & Jon!! Would love to deliver some your way...soon!=)

  8. The poster is SO fun, Hollie! Lots of great goodies, too! Thanks for your encouraging comments about my kitchen re-do project!

  9. Thanks, love the poster too=)...I'm still enjoying your little mail surprise!...can't wait to see how your kitchen project turns out, it gives me hope for mine!!=)

  10. The Ballyhoo Girl can't wait!! LOVE LOVE LOVE Funky Junk and LOVE LOVE LOVE Heidi!! WHoot Hoot!

  11. Hollie-
    Just got your postcard in the mail for your show, and typed in the website and here I am looking at your blog (not sure how I got so lucky as to receive an invite?) Anywho... I was reading about you and your children and then was reading more and saw your photos and realized you are "the" Hollie :) Not sure if you'll remember me or not?! My name is Rachel, and am a nurse at Holy Family.

    I look forward to your show and seeing you there. Blessings on you and your family.


  12. Oh my goodness Rachel!!!!! Yea!!!! How amazing...what a small, small world=)...and my mom gave me your address girl!! Can't wait to see you!!!=)...
    You too Christy Ballyhoo!!!;)


Hey, aren't you sweet!