Saturday, November 5, 2011

Halloween Unwrapped & A Giveaway...

 October has come and gone, and taking with it our first Halloween in our new home...
 We moved in November 2010, so this year we loved getting to decorate inside and out...
 My multipurpose Mr. Owl guarded the garden in summer and perches on the porch in fall.
A vintage Halloween party invite brought orange and black in my kitchen.
 Inspired by a pack of tags I bought, I scoured my stash and turned two antique bottles...
 Into spooky decor.
 I love, love these Wendy Addison Parlour Magic alphabet discs; I've had the set for years and keep finding
new ways to use them.
 The weekend of Halloween, the boys and I added our faux black cobwebs around the house and
by the front door, to make little Owl more festive.
 My entry way greeting; vintage wallpaper was included in the home.
My 3 year old size blow-mold ghost & pumpkin greeted trick or treaters.
 Happy reproduction cooky cutters from Restoration Hardware...
And one light up pumpkin man in the family room to warm the night.

This year felt the most like a good old fashioned Halloween to me; decorations, candy, dressing up and trick or treating our neighborhood as a family.

And since I feel like it, and I'm all hopped up on candy corn, let's throw in a little giveaway...

For Halloween I dressed up as a "Flea Market Princess"...(translated, it was what I could pull together out of my closet, and I love junk.)

So, to enter, just leave me a note and let me know either what you or your kiddos or someone's kids you know dressed up as, and just let me know that you are a follower of my blog!

I will have a surprise trick or treat box mailed to you if you win!!
Here are two other adorable costumes found at my sons school:

 The Book Fairy: Oh my goodness creative repurposing!! I love it!! She said she found it on another blog, and I'm so sorry that I don't have the original source!
And my fav-o-r-ite!! Liam's Kindergarten teacher Mrs. Ross as a Starbuck's barista (shout out to all you hard working Starbuck's baristas who make my salted carmel mochas!!!) and her little 15 month old as a latte....WITH A SLEEVE!!!!
The back of the latte costume...yep it's just like the cup.
Oh. My. Goodness. Clever.

Happy Entering!!!


  1. I am a follower of your blog! :) I did not dress up for Halloween this year - hehe ... I cozied up on the couch and watched the finale of Project Runway!

  2. Hi Hollie,
    1st... luv'd the Starbucks "drink" costume... was Liam a 'Tall', a "Vente' or Grande" ??? lol!

    as for me,,, I didn't have time to dress up, but I did put my cute Halloweenie apron on when my grandbabies stopped by to 'score' treats from grammie... The down side about living out in the country,,,no little Trick-o-Treaters to come by. So guess the hubby & I will have to eat all the left over chocolate.... heeheehee...
    Happy Trails until Glamping Season....

  3. Hi Hollie-
    I follow your blog and just love your creativity! This year, only one of my 3 kiddos dressed up- my 13 year old daughter was Zorro for a 5k she ran. It was pretty funny going to the grocery store for a Gatorade at 6 am with her in a cape and painted-on moustache.

  4. Hi Hollie!
    You look adorable as always!
    Charlie was a cowboy this year, he wore Cel's real spurs...she once was a horse girl, do you believe that? Celia hosted Charlie's school party this year, food, games and crafts. She dressed as a cowgirl, so adorable too! We'll post pics soon...a little behind schedule!!

    xox Glad & Cel

  5. Love reading these!! So many cuties=)...I'm going to keep this open until Wedenesday the tell your friends to come and enter!

  6. My sweet niece went as a fairy, but I've got to say I love the Starbucks one on your blog (which I follow) as well as follow you on Facebook:)

  7. This Halloween was really fun. My 5 year old daughter was a flying unicorn and my 2 year old was Winnie the Pooh. She always carries around a little pink bear, so of course I had to dress him up as Piglet. It's always so fun when the little kids get so into the spirit :)

  8. Why of course I follow you! Turns out I had to work so I just kept my scrubs on and put on a hot pink wig and tiara- princess nurse! My fav Tk or treaters was a little girl in a black leotard with yellow wings- she musta been about 4 or 5- she was so busy saying Buzz buzz buzz- she forgot to say trick or treat-OH! And a baby dressed up as Joan of Arc and her big sister was the horse- COOL!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I follow your blog as well! I didn't dress up but I took my daughter, who was a witch, out trick or treating. Sad to say that we didn't last long in the cold but we had fun!

  11. Hey Hollie, I am so curious about your give-a-way! Sign me up I always love free things in the mail! Love ya Hollie, Coco

  12. Thank you Bloggy friends!! I loved, loved reading about all of the creative costuming!!.And the winner is...Coquille!!! Wow, lucky girl!! Send me a message and facebook and we'll hook up with your special trick or treat bag o' goodies!=) Thanks for playing all...see you soon!!


Hey, aren't you sweet!